
E2 – Daniel and the Funeral Cake

A slice from Romania

Dan shares a crazy story from Romanian history (Vlad the Impaler) and his own history in this episode. It’s interesting how history and geography put Romania at a crossroads, and some of what Dan talks about seems West European while other stuff seems more Slavic.


timestamped notes

8:45 ~ Dracula. There are extensive histories on both the fictional horror villain and the medieval strongman. Vlad’s impalings are connected closely to the history of the region of Wallachia, now in Romania.

17:30 ~ Gheorghe Hagi. This is possibly the card that met an unfortunate demise in the interests of youthful scientific discovery.

Peeing on fire is not recommended.

20:03 ~ papanasi sound like amazing donuts. Maybe if you got a Sour Cream Glazed and a Timbit with whipped cream and some jam, you could have a Canadian copy. I’ll get back to you on that.

20:40 ~ drob de Miel is a reminder that there are many cultures who have an inexplicable need(recipe in Romanian) to make meatloafs.

21:41 ~ koliva is as much a delicacy as it is part of the Orthodox Catholic tradition. Step 1 of this recipe is asking for God’s blessing.

22:40 ~ idioms

  • A trece ca gasca prin apa
  • the king passes through the land
  • Tai frunza la caini
  • A freca menta

thoughts on Romania

I must have been a similar age when I too discovered the parental discipline related to starting fires on carpeted floors. It is crazy, that continents over, other boys are making the same discoveries.